Staying on top of popular or trending topics on search engines and social media can provide business owners an opportunity to get their name out there by sharing something already online that meets the need of what people are discussing. It is therefore important to monitoring trending topics and the influencers in your industry, regularly mine… Continue reading HOW TO: Create Content Related To Trending Topics
Author: Emmanuel Asoto
What The World Searched For In 2012 [VIDEO]
Search giant Google has released its “Zeitgeist 2012,” the list of the top search terms and trends over the last year, culled from 1.2 trillion searches in nearly 150 languages. The list has been broken up by topic, including top keyword searches, images, people and events.
HOW TO: Make A Great Online Impression Today
I stumbled upon a new kind of personal website based on the best of your social media content. It’s effortless, always up-to-date, and looks great. It creates a visual representation of you which makes it easier for you. Present yourself to people Googling you with a graphical bio. It plugs in your social media sites and creates… Continue reading HOW TO: Make A Great Online Impression Today
HOW TO: Find Out About Your Year On Twitter
In my previous post, tour of year 2012 on Twitter. Twitter has a media tool has brought us closer to moments and places that used to be far away or inaccessible. A lot of activities including Sporting Events like the Olympics saw fans tweeting their team passions; Music Awards with tweet about the performances and reactions to winners and losers; Politics/Political Uproars… Continue reading HOW TO: Find Out About Your Year On Twitter